Happiness Is…..

I recently found a bunch of my writing projects from my creative writing class in high school.  I decided to re-write some of them, coming from where I am now.  I am going to focus on a couple of poems.  The first one is “Happiness Is…”.  It was one of two poems we did as ice breakers at the beginning of class.  The second is “I Am…”.  I already rewrote the first one, and am working on the second one!  They are pretty simple, but made me look at how I’ve changed.  I was in a difficult period in my life when I wrote them the first time.  This time around, I am in a much better place.

Happiness Is….

Happiness is warm blankets and a cool breeze.

Happiness is forgetting what I am thinking when he kisses me.

Happiness is family cuddles.

Happiness is a food experimenting gone right.

Happiness is buttered noodles.

Happiness is a TV marathon.

Happiness is that first jolt of caffeine hitting me.

Happiness is a hot bath.

Happiness is a cool pillow.

Happiness is a well-written book.

Happiness is a well-worn hoodie.

Happiness is fuzzy socks.

Happiness is feeling at home.

Happiness is a craving satisfied.

Happiness is Candyland and Spice Girls.


Well, basically, it is a rambly poem.  The next one will be a little more deep 🙂

What is happiness to you?