Valentine’s Day

It is my favorite holiday.  Cheesy, I know, but the thing is that I am a hopeless romantic.  Even when I was single, I would buy myself presents and get my chick friends flowers and chocolate.  A holiday devoted to nothing but love appeals to me, even if some people see it as a commercial holiday.  I disagree, we can celebrate love everyday, but specifying a day to really go all out is amazing.

This was my first Valentine’s Day as a wife. My husband this past Christmas seems to have figured out the best way to buy me presents and this Valentine’s Day was the first time he successfully surprised me completely.  We had been having some issues and both decided to quick drinking and move forward and I was nervous about Valentine’s Day.  Turns out, I needn’t have worried.  I have been having stomach issues and it was my first day back to work after a few days off to recoup.  I got out to my car at about 6am and there were roses and a card on the steering wheel.  After work, I went shopping for dinner and picked up a few last presents for Ty and our little princess.  I got home and was greeted by more roses, a stuffed bear with a Barnes and Noble gift card, a new book to add to my classics B&N collection, and a new wedding band.  Emerald and diamonds.  He completely blew me away.  I cried and could not stop myself from kissing him.  Then, we had a wonderful steak dinner after the little princess went to bed, started watching a movie, and decided to go to bed early.  We didn’t necessarily go to sleep, but we definitely went to bed.  I fell asleep curled up closer to him than I have been in a long time. 

So, even if you didn’t have a special someone for the holiday, I hope you spread some love or at least showed yourself some love!  I know that I will treasure my first married Valentine’s Day forever. 

And since it is no longer Valentine’s Day, I have to sign off and go be productive.  Bleh.